The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

02 May 2017


Prayer Requests

• Pray for a number of locals in the Arabian Peninsula who are reading the Word with interest, but have yet to believe. Pray that their eyes will be opened to see the truth and that they will be willing to give up everything to follow Jesus Christ.

• A man who received a portion of scripture years ago was convinced of its truth. He has been alone in his faith since then. Ask that he will, in the Lord's perfect timing, find fellowship and community among fellow local believers.

• A small community of local believers is facing a strong challenge as they watch a member fall away. Pray for restoration, strength, and unity, and that His bride will emerge victorious for His glory in this situation.

• As the Lord moves in this country and manifests Himself through healing and power encounters, pray that He will be recognized for who He is and His name and renown will be honored by surrendered lives. A local family recently experienced the Lord through healing, prophecies, and words of knowledge. Ask that they will go beyond belief in the healing powers of Jesus Christ and recognize Him as Lord of all and their Savior.

• It is often a delicate balance for believers to maintain relationships with locals and continue to give a bold witness. Please pray that relationships will be maintained even when confrontation with the Gospel is experienced, that opportunities will abound for sharing truth and His love, and that the Gospel witness will be undeniably confirmed by the Spirit in powerful ways.

• A family is experiencing an extended season of extreme financial crisis with the loss of jobs. In the past, one family member had come very close to trusting in Jesus, but in the face of opposition, he reverted to former beliefs. Please pray that failed efforts to solve their problems on their own will lead them to a point where they turn to Jesus Christ in desperation. May He reveal Himself to them in power and might, meeting them at their point of need and drawing them as a family to saving faith in Him.

• In Yemen, blockades are keeping food from coming into ports. Barriers of war is keeping families from getting medical care or going back to their homes. Barriers of "not having heard" are keeping people from knowing the Savior. Please pray that these barriers will come down. Pray that ships full of food and supplies will be given permission to unload. Pray that war will cease. Pray that all will hear the Good News of Christ's love for them and have the opportunity to respond.