The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
06 July 2018
Prayer Requests
Work amongst Arabs from the Arabian Gulf has begun in Europe. There are 1000s of these Arab visitors all over Europe right now. The Gospel and Scriptures are already being 'sown' into many Arabs' lives. Please pray for:
• Fruit and fruit that remains.
• Clear periods daily that will encourage the Arabs to leave accommodation and be accessible to the volunteers who are proclaiming the Gospel to the Arabs. (The Arabs stay in their accommodation when there is a lot of rain)
• Gospel sharers to be given boldness and clarity in proclaiming the Gospel to the Arabs and for the Holy Spirit to 'enlighten' the Arabs hearts as they encounter the Gospel
In the meantime, back in the Arab Gulf, fruitful conversations are continuing to take place. A Christian professor was surprised to see Alex (pseudonym)'s Instagram post: "But with God, all things are possible" in stylish script, with a tiny reference to Matt. 19. The professor wrote to ask, "Do you know the source of your quote?" Alex answered, "Umm. No." This exchange later led to a private explanation of the gospel, and Alex was delighted to take an Arabic New Testament home. Pray for his salvation and growth.
Samuel Zwemer (1867-1952), "The Apostle to Islam", wrote this prayer in 1923. It is still very relevant today. Pray this prayer with us for Muslims all over the world, especially for the local Arabs in the AP and those on summer holidays in Europe right now.
Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, who hast made of one blood all nations and hast promised that many shall come from the East and sit down with Abraham in thy kingdom: We pray for thy prodigal children in Muslim lands who are still afar off, that they may be brought nigh by the blood of Christ. Look upon them in pity, because they are ignorant of thy truth. Take away pride of intellect and blindness of heart, and reveal to them the surpassing beauty and power of thy Son Jesus Christ. Convince them of their sin in rejecting the atonement of the only Savior. Give moral courage to those who love thee, that they may boldly confess thy name. Hasten the day of religious freedom in Turkey, Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and North Africa. Send forth reapers where the harvest is ripe, and faithful plowmen to break furrows in lands still neglected. May the tribes of Africa and Malaysia not fall prey to Islam but be won for Christ. Bless the ministry of healing in every hospital, and the ministry of love at every church.... Strengthen converts, restore backsliders, and give all those who labor among Muslims the tenderness of Christ, so that bruised reeds may become pillars of his church, and smoking flaxwicks burning and shining lights. Make bare thine arm, O God, and show thy power. All our expectation is from thee. Father, the hour has come; glorify thy Son in the Muslim world, and fulfill through him the prayer of Abraham thy friend, "O, that Ishmael might live before thee." For Jesus' sake. Amen.
PTAP on the PrayerMate App
PTAP is now on the PrayerMate app which you can download for free on iOS or Android. Check it out under the "World Mission" category. Just another way to help us pray for the AP and many other regions of the world!