The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
06 October 2019
• Ask that the the Father would stir up repentant hearts among those in the Arabian Peninsula. Pray that He would give them eyes to see their sin, a true sorrow about it, and hearts that are humble before Him. Pray that they would turn to Him in repentance.
• Pray that those in the Arabian Peninsula would know that despite their shortfalls, repentant hearts can lead to eternal security. Pray that they would come to know the Gospel and claim Jesus as their Savior, their acceptance, and their freedom.
• Pray for opportunities for believers to have conversation with nationals in the Arabian Gulf about the difference between worldly sorrow and Godly sorrow. Ask for opportunities to discuss what repentance means, what it produces, why it is important, what it doesn't mean, and how Jesus plays a role in it.
• Pray on behalf of the nations of the Arabian Peninsula. As a believer, stand in the gap for this nation who does not know the one true God and repent of its twisted ways. Repent for the sins of this nation and intercede on their behalf asking God to do a mighty work in this land and in this people. Pray for His Kingdom to come in the Arabian Peninsula.
PTAP on the PrayerMate App
PTAP is now on the PrayerMate app which you can download for free on iOS or Android. Check it out under the "World Mission" category. Just another way to help us pray for the AP and many other regions of the world!