The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
08 September, 2010
Godly Role Models
The newspaper reports that 3 local children have made a full recovery from Sickle cell Anaemia in hospitals in Singapore. Praise God for doctors that can make a difference to these families. Pray they would have opportunities to hear about the Great Healer whilst in this nation. This week we would like for you to view and pray through this video about the Children in Saudi Arabia Children in Saudi Arabia.
Pray for the poor people who live in the hot areas of the Peninsula. During this month of Ramadan, when it is forbidden to drink from sunrise to sunset, those who work as day labourers, garbage collectors and farmers in the hot sun, struggle. Ask that they will question the laws that tell them they must fast. Ask that they will seek the Truth.
In our country, as far as we know, the ratio of 'workers' versus local inhabitants is 1 to a million. Pray that God will send workers out in this harvest field. Pray for those who are considering to come, or are trying to come. Pray God will make it 100% clear what they need to do.
Pray for a believer as she meets with a national woman. They read the Book together once a week and the national woman has many questions. Ask that these discussions will lead to understanding and decisions to follow the Savior.
Day 27 of Ramadan is traditionally a night in which Muslims believe that special blessings are given to those making extra prayers and Quran readings during the night. Amongst the Arabs where we live is a belief that recommends performing extra prayers each of the last 10 days of Ramadan because they do not agree that the special night is always at day 27. And so we see even more devotion, more time spend in the mosque, more sacrifices....They are deceived & blinded, confined in the Islam faith by the works of power that Satan is doing among them. Only God can break through and make a change! Pray He will do so for the sake of His Name!
"Emma", a local believer, is trying to get married to a man that does not share her faith in Jesus but he is open-minded to her faith. Pray for God to speak to her and show her His will.
Prior to marriage "Layla" had a good job, good income, and enjoyed such luxuries as fine clothes, perfumes, and driving her own car. Her new husband disapproved of all these, and forbade them. She has been mostly home bound since, and recently she gave birth to their 5th child while her husband was away visiting in another country. Because of such treatment, many women postpone or avoid marriage for as long as possible. Please pray for the Lord to change hearts, and to raise up godly role models for men, women, and families in our land.