The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

9 March, 2011

To Love Jesus


Praise God for a specific refugee woman in our country who is reading the truth despite persecution from her own son and best friends. Pray that she will know the surpassing value of knowing Jesus.

In the Arabian Peninsula there are smaller people groups who have little to no Gospel witness, very little physical work is being done among them, almost no radio or TV broadcasts is focused at them. They need to hear about the Lord Jesus. You can see one of these groups and pray for them by watching Akhdam in Yemen.Akhdam


"Hamad", a young national BMB, professed faith in Christ over a year ago. But he withdrew from fellowship shortly afterward, when he received a Bible that was slashed with threatening remarks written on it. In the past week, he returned to a pastor, confessing that he himself marked the Bible, apparently as a fearful response to his strict Islamic family. Pray that God will assure him of forgiveness, and establish him, confident and bold with faith in Christ.

A young national woman is struggling with some family issues. She said today that "it is hard to live alone in a house full of people." Lift this young woman up, that peace may reign in her heart. But ask that this peace would be from the God of Heaven and earth. Pray that through this, the woman would be brought to the Father.

Our country leader returned and promised financial benefits for the locals. The response of a young student was not positive. He and his friends would rather have seen the leader acting on change rather than handing out "cookies". The young generation wants change, the old generation wants to introduce it slow (so they say). Pray for the youth of this country whom are not satisfied, and for demonstrations that are planned for the coming days. Pray God will give them goals for change in this country that are in line with God's will.

The kidnapping of a German family of five, a British man and the murder of three single girls is still an open case. Although the two girls of the German family have been found unharmed and are in a safe and loving home now, the ordeal for all who are close to those still missing continues. Please pray that God would reveal the truth of what happened to them and bring deliverance or at least closure for all involved.

Even after a couple of weeks, it seems that the conflict is still deadlocked. Please pray for both sides of the conflict (pro-government and anti-government). Please pray that God would raise up wise leaders to address the issues and bring resolution. Please also pray for the divide between Shia and Sunni in this country. It feels like it is widening with more fear and distrust. Please pray for miraculous reconciliation.


I was in an Arabian Peninsula country in 2007. I entered the country as a volunteer worker in the hospital. During my free time, I studied Arabic language from an Arab lady, "Whada". We had many conversations about Jesus but it did not seem to go anywhere. So I encouraged her to pray that Jesus will meet her personally. Recently, she wrote to me that she saw a man dressed in white robes and his eyes were big. Immediately, she recognized that Jesus came to visit her. However, she only wanted to love Jesus as a prophet and not God. Please join me and pray for her, that she will come to know Jesus as Saviour and Lord.