The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
09 June, 2010
Open to Receive
Praise the Lord for believers who have an interest in this area of the world and are working towards coming here to be salt & light to the people.
In city X, there are no Arab speaking workers now. It is a city with a few million inhabitants. Pray that God would send Arab speakers to this city who can follow-up on contacts that Media (internet, Radio, etc.) has made. Pray that God would call and equip native Arabs to reach out in this country. Pray that the one family present will be encouraged.
MBBs were in attendance at a recent seminar in our country. The title of the seminar was, "Why Four Gospels?", a question that confuses Muslims and gives them opportunity to ridicule. Pray that these men will grow strong in their faith, and be bold and equipped to make a worthy defence before their majority Muslim culture.
A cyclone has hit our country, killing 15 people. Pray for the families of those killed, and pray that the believers may have opportunities to bring a better hope to these families.
With love and best intentions E, started a relationship with R who had been corresponding through Christian websites. It has become clear that R's motives are not clean. She tried (and was successful in some ways) to lure the good hearted E into a trap in which she could misuse the relationship for her own benefits. Pray for (emotional) healing for E and pray for R, too, that she will be overwhelmed with a fear of God, preventing her from putting her threats in practice.
There is a news article about children who have died or were maimed by the effects of war. Exploding land mines in fields have caused suffering to many. Pray for the children in this land who are recovering from such hardships. Pray that peace will come and stay in the area where there has been war. Pray that God's people will be able to minister in His name to these who are hurt.
One day, whilst I was waiting for the elevator in our apartment building, I met 2 local ladies who greeted me and, after a short talk, one of them gave me her number and asked me to visit her sometime. When I visited T, she said that it was so good that I didn't work and spent time with my children. She then asked me to tell me about what I believe, because she wanted to hear from a Christian and not from their books or sheikhs. I started with creation and was about to talk about the fall, when her friends came in and this particular conversation stopped. I am quite sure that she will come back to it on a future visit. I did have some opportunities with those ladies to share about Christian marriage. Pray for T, that I will be able to share the whole gospel to her and that she will be open to receive it.