The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
10 August, 2011
Bears Witness
Thank God that my local friend's premature baby is now and home and doing well. Please continue to ask that the whole family will know The Truth and Who is the ultimate Giver and Sustainer of life.
Prayershort Video
To understand more about the Arab Spring in Oman, it is good to view and pray through this video on Oman Government.
Muslim people are now fully in the month of Ramadan (fasting). Many in our country are wondering how they will manage. People stay up much of the night eating and visiting. With electrical shortages and guns being shot at night, they wonder if they will be able to participate in their traditions. Pray that the people will spend more time praying and that God will speak to them in visions and dreams, showing them that true worship come through following Christ.Pray for local believers who know each other. Ask that they will minister to one another in wonderful ways & build each other up. Pray they'll be greatly encouraged as they grow in grace & in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
'Muhammad' had been decisive in his newly found faith in Christ, and benefitting from Christian fellowship. But now, he has "disappeared" for months, and it seems no one knows where he is. Pray that God watch over him, and perhaps convict him of his need for fellowship, and bring him back into steady spiritual growth.
"Faisal" received a Bible recently and told us he read 200 pages in the first 3 days! He was mainly talking about the many similarities he found between his book and ours. Pray with us that "Faisal" will recognize the truth in the Living Word and that the Word will burn in him like a fire.
Oman had a milder Arab Spring than some of its neighbours. The government responded in a positive way to those who raised issues. Universities and businesses responded to the demands brought to them. Young Arabs have a new voice and they love having a say in the affairs that surround their lives. There is a new pride, open thoughts and energy among the young people. Pray that this openness will lead them to the cross.
"Abdullah" was inspired to tell his family about his faith in Christ. He said to me, 'I think it is time. I know it is important and I know that the Lord is my protection. He is my Lord.' He came to report the happenings. His dad is deaf and essentially an outcast, also having divorced, so he didn't tell his father. But, his mum rejected him with many words and dumped the lunch plate of rice on him as emphasis to the disgracefulness of testifying of Christ and said he must move away from the neighbourhood. His wife already knows and believes. His kids are too young to understand fully. The family and neighbours have given him the expected one month to repent from faith in Christ. Please pray for "Abdullah", as he bears witness through his life to his family and neighbours. Pray that they will accept his decision, and in time, open their own hearts to the Truth.