The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

11 August, 2010



A local translator recently came to the devotion time the believers in our workplace have. She is open and interested in our faith, but many steps remain until she believes that Jesus is her Savior. The journey has begun.


Ramadan begins on 11 August. It is a time for Muslims to seek God and observe one of the pillars of their faith. (To see a prayer video filmed in the AP about the Five Pillars click here Five Pillars) In practice it can be a time of immense frustration for everyone. Day becomes night and night becomes day; sleeping through the fasting, and breaking the fast at sunset, then families meeting together. Please pray for those who are earnestly seeking God during this month that Jesus might reveal Himself in powerful ways. Pray also for frustrations to be minimized through this time, for locals and workers.

"Mohammed" was recently baptized, seemingly strong and level-headed in his decision. Some of his family members, including his mother, are very strict in their Islamic beliefs. Since then, Mohammed has told tentmakers and other national believers that "it was all a mistake." Pray that God, as the "hound of heaven" will grab his heart, and give him confidence and boldness in his walk with Jesus.

Pray for the many Gulf nationals who spend summer vacation in the west - pray especially for those who may encounter Christians at the various summer outreaches in London, Europe and elsewhere. Pray that they will feel freedom to read portions of the Word they have received and seek the person of Jesus. Pray that many will come to faith in Christ and be networked back to believers in their home countries.

A baby dies because of poor medical care. Some young people go swimming and drown. The families say, "It was God's will." There is an attitude of fatalism as they speak. Why try to make changes? Why try to make life better? Ask that the people will realize God wants to help them have better lives and give them the courage to make changes in their society.

Pray that the hospitality and trust shown to Abu K and his family who stayed in our home during our holiday will result in closer friendship and them seeking Christ. Abu K has a Bible. He seems to have stopped reading it. Pray that God will give him a desire to know Christ.


A female worker here was taking a Western visitor around to local Muslim homes. An unexpected interruption to their plans gave them an opportunity to explain the Gospel and share a personal salvation testimony with three young women. They eagerly accepted a CD of Christian media, and expressed a desire to meet again. The following week the worker returned and had an hour-long in-depth spiritual conversation with the main seeker, "Dee", who responded very positively and wants to know even more. Please pray for these open hearts to continue seeking till they find the Source of Life.