The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
12 January, 2011
Medical Needs
Praise God for giving dreams and visions to Muslims that cause them to seek Him. Many are going to Christian friends with questions, others have turned to the internet to find the answers they are seeking. Clink on the link Nabeel's Testimony to see how a dream and visit allowed Nebeel to know about the Lord Jesus.Nabeel's Testimony
Abu N. is a BMB, who has grown to be a leader of the local believers. He had two court cases trumped up against him. In one, he was acquitted. But it looks like an appeal of the second case is resulting in sending him to jail for four years. He has a wife and four young children. Pray that somehow this will be changed by a counter-case, and at any rate, that God will give much support, grace, and encouragement to both him and his family.A new company is starting, with its goal to equip and train expatriates to reach out to their Arab friends. Please pray for wisdom as the leaders start this group.
Three local believers have visited with some guys in a nearby neighbourhood - they say the whole neighborhood is open to listen. One of the three said, "No one is interested in the local majority practices. They are open to listen to the Good News! We are welcome anytime." They say the women are more independent and even more ready to listen. The fields are white, ready for harvest. Please pray for the three to be bold and clear.
A person just heard he has cancer and that no treatment is available to prevent death. The family encourages him to trust in Allah. I wrestle with what to say at these times. Should I shake the little hope he has and tell him that his Allah and its ways are not able to help completely? Should I encourage him to indeed cry out to God and seek comfort from Him, trusting that my God will direct his heart towards Jesus? Pray for boldness for the workers in hospitals. Pray for wisdom and discernment. Pray that God will direct the hearts of the blind Muslims towards Jesus.
I was thankful for the opportunity to give out booklets telling the Christmas Story in Arabic to two sets of neighbours recently. Both families said that they would read it. Please pray that they do and that He will speak to their hearts, confirming the truth of what they read - and ultimately that salvation will come to these homes.
A team of medical specialists during a recent visit mentioned that the region we live in is a gold mine for medical researchers. The Shi'a-Sunni relations combined with poverty and religious-encouraged traditions result in high numbers of inter-tribal marriages. These lead to birth defects not seen among other communities. This may be interesting for some......
We do ask you to pray for these families. Pray for those who are prevented from marriage due to a disease, or those who consider marriage and wonder if they should marry within the tribe. Pray that among these closed communities the Good News will be spread and accepted.