The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

13 June, 2012

Seek Out the Truth


Thank God that there are more people coming for follow up through Christian Media. Pray also that in our personal lives we will be able to meet people who are open for the Good News.


Many Arabian countries are facing political struggles. Overall United Arab Emirates has not really been affected. Please watch this video and pray for the Government of UAE


• Pray for new local believers to truly value fellowship with others.

• A worker shared how one of her students has been trying hard to convert her; yet each time they have a conversation he always admits that he doesn't know if he'll go to heaven or hell on the last day. Pray that many workers will meet locals who are willing to engage them in spiritual discussions. Pray that the thought of their eternal uncertainty will drive many them to begin to ask deeper questions.

• Continue to pray for the leaders of the countries in the AP. Ask that God will give them wisdom and courage to rule with integrity, seeking the good of the people, not for personal gain or power.


"Fawaz", a young man, listened to the testimony of his teacher, who had asked about his relationship to God. The teacher asked, "If your mother came to talk about your grades, and I got angry and punched her in the nose, but later acted very nice and gave you a higher grade, would that take away the offense?" The student answered in the negative. "Then why do we think we can take away our sins before God by doing good deeds?" The teacher continued to give illustrations and Scripture to make the payment of Christ for us clear.

"Fawaz" had heard from others that Jesus died for our sins. He said it was no problem and that he was open minded, but warned his teacher to be careful with whom he shared this, as there were many conservative Muslim families represented at the school. Nevertheless, when the teacher stressed how crucial this message was, sharing Jesus' statement that no one comes to the Father but through Him, "Fawaz" stated with resolve that he would look into this belief further. Pray for "Fawaz" that he will seek out the truth about Jesus, and be saved.