The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

14 December, 2011

Special Prayer for Oman


This week we are joining with another prayer movement call, Pray4MuslimPeoples (check them out at They have set aside the week of December 12-18 to ask people to pray for Oman. So we are asking you to focus your prayers this week on Oman as well.

Take a video a day this next week and pray for Oman.

Oman Country

Oman Arabs

Let it Rain

Magic in Bahla


Oasis for Oman

Oman Government

Small Cities


Praise the Lord all those who believe in the Son and live in the Arabian Peninsula. They come from the all nations of the Arabian Peninsula as well as countless countries around the world, yet Omanis are very few. Please pray for more locals to hear the Good News, and give their hearts & lives to Jesus. Pray there may one day be a church of Omani believers.


Oman had a milder Arab Spring than some of its neighbors. The government responded in a positive way to those who raised issues. Universities and businesses responded to the demands brought to them. Young Arabs have a new voice and they love having a say in the affairs that surround their lives. There is a new pride, open thoughts and energy among the young people. Pray that this openness will lead them to the cross.

There are many unreached areas in Oman, small villages and even towns with no known Christian workers. Please pray for more workers to come to work and live as salt & light in these communities.

Part of Oman in the south-west is transformed by monsoon rains during the time of Khariif. Pray that in this area people will be transformed by the rain of the Holy Spirit.

Oman has one of the highest statistics for deaths from traffic accidents in the world. By July of 2011 there were 531 deaths and 6,463 injuries. These are increasing significantly each year. Many families have members with permanent injuries or paralysis from these high speed accidents. The government has increased safety awareness and monitoring efforts. Pray that parents will understand that children should be securely restrained in cars. Pray that the death rates will fall meaning that Omanis can live longer and have an opportunity to know the Way.

Pray for students who transition from small country towns to larger cities for school and university. As they are exposed to the Gospel for probably the first time ever, pray for receptive hearts, to hear and accept the Word.

There are parts of Oman known for its witchcraft. Pray that the many strongholds of fear and shame will be broken by the power of Christ's finished work on the cross.