The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

14 February, 2010

A correct view.


Previously we prayed for a meeting place for a church in this country. Here is an update: We found a gathering place right in the centre of the city and we'll be starting the new church on February 12th! Praise the Lord! And please pray that He would be glorified through this new church!


Please pray for local seekers and converts that are known by Christian media; that they will be willing to meet up with workers here to be discipled, and when mature enough, will be linked up with fellow converts, so they can encourage each other.

Please pray against a spirit of fear among the local believers in our country.

Pray for our police friend "Mark". He is a young man who is preparing for his marriage in early April. He is without a father or older brother to give him advice - he is open to hearing things from several adult believers in his circle of friends. We plan to give him some good pre-marriage books in the coming weeks. Pray that he would read them and to discuss the topics.

Pray for "Sam" who is returning to his home country in the AP from a neighbouring country in the AP where he took refuge over 3 years ago. His life was threatened by his family. He is now returning to his home town to try to reconcile with his family and to be a light in the community.

The 6 who were taken hostage in June, are still missing, and there is no new news. Continue to ask that they will be freed.


Muslims believe that the Bible has been changed.

Recently a young man attended a wedding with "Tariq". They talked about the social issues of the community. Eventually the conversation turned to the topic of who Christ is. Tariq said, "It is required that we believe that Christ was a prophet, but that he was not crucified." The young man challenged Tariq on this subject as he believes the contents of the New Testament. Which man has the correct view? He told Tariq the following tale:

"If there was an accident on this street, you have seen it from that direction, I from this direction. You, I, a traffic cop, and a security officer (the last two had investigated the crash), all go to the judge and present our testimonies. The stories are recorded and the judge makes his decision. Then, a year later, someone comes to the judge and says 'No, that is not what happened.' Who would the judge believe – the four or the one who came later?"

Please pray that Tariq would not be deceived, but believe in the death and resurrection of Christ, the Saviour.