The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
15 February, 2012
A Passion
Several weeks ago, a prayer request for a needy believer was posted. This week, someone who read that request gave financially to this man in need. Thank the Father for meeting the needs of His people through others in the Faith.
One of our desires is that Jesus would build His Church in the AP. This short video from Yemen is a call to see the church built on a solid foundation, Church on the RockPrayer
* Pray for those willing to commit to pray for countries in the AP, including yourself! Intensive and continuous prayer is needed to breakthrough the darkness in this land. Pray against the spiritual darkness which is keeping the locals blinded to the Truth.* "Emily" is a young worker in our land, stricken with a gall bladder disease and subsequent surgical infections. It is very serious we are told. Please ask the Lord for her healing.
* "Abu H" is a national pastor who is currently being held in prison. Later this month is a national holiday in which some prisoners are pardoned and released. Pray that Abu H. will receive that pardon.
* Elections will be held in Yemen on Feb 21st. Ask that the elections will be conducted safely. Pray for peace and freedom in this country. If the Lord leads you, please pray and fast for Yemen on Feb 21st.
* Pray for several secret believers in a nearby community who have no access to assistance in their spiritual growth. One lives with a secret police agent! Another is always watched & cannot go on a computer or phone without someone listening or seeing.
"Mohammed" is a local believer in Jesus. He is level headed and to-the-point. Still, he hesitates to fully commit himself to discipleship and making Jesus known. His true passion for Christ is limited. Perhaps his hesitation is reflective of the spiritual dryness and risks in this environment. Pray that God will give him a passion to be fully His. The same prayer is needed for many other national believers throughout the Gulf.