The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

15 September, 2010

God Listens


Praise the Lord, we have heard of no serious incidents in the AP during September 11 this year. This week we would like to ask for your prayers and highlight a video on the Causeway going to Bahrain. (Click on the blue word Causeway to view the video.) Causeway.


Ask that the Lord will be with isolated believers who live in the AP. They are lonely and many are very afraid. Ask that the Father will bring them in contact with like minded people. Ask that their families will be interested in the Truth and want to talk to them about it. Several years ago, a husband believed and so did his wife....but neither knew it for months! Pray that isolated believers will question their family members to see if some actually believe as they do.

There are some faithful, knowledgeable tentmakers, whose jobs are financially tentative from project to project.  Pray that God will strongly support them, and place them in positions so they will have the confidence of His stamp on their serving where they are.

Pray for a young woman who meets weekly with a believer. Ask that her eyes would be opened to the truth.

Ah...Not again! We just returned the three plates with all its food given by the neighbours and a new plate from their side for us is brought again!  While the children think of all funny ways we should stop the Ramadan sharing of food that becomes a burden, we contemplate the hospitality and the friendship shared. And we are truly grateful that God brought us to this place to learn from the Arabs. Pray with us that we learn their values so we communicate the gospel in a way they understand.

'Amy' is a very competent Arab woman and a colleague of mine.  She has been struggling with postpartum depression from her last pregnancy.  Please pray that Jesus would heal her and that she would see His healing touch.


I visited L. She has quite a difficult life; divorced, her son with the father, she is remarried as a second wife of an imam. Now she has 3 children from the imam: 3, 1 and 2 months old. The imam normally alternates one day with her and the other day with his other wife. Now the first wife is staying with her family for Ramadan and so the husband is with L all the time. She doesn't like it, having to cook so much for him, the 3 small children, all the cleaning and they have fights. She told me that she has prayed to Allah to solve the fights and the next day her husband apologized, so she said she really believes God listens.She is a devout Muslim, not only in outward practice, she really seems to want a relationship with God, to have a clean heart. Pray for her, that when she honestly seeks God, He will reveal Himself to her. Pray for her marriage, that she can respect her husband, even if he doesn't treat her as she would like.