The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
16 January 2018
Prayer Requests
• Give praise that a new, local believer was able to share with a couple of family members in a celebration of Christ's birth, even though they are not yet aware of her decision to follow Jesus. Pray that the many who have heard the gospel story will receive and accept confirmation of its truth by revelation, signs, wonders, dreams or visions.
• A young woman told her believing friend, "I need a new life." Please pray that she and many others will open their hearts to the Lord and be able to experience Him for who He truly is, and will find new life in Him.
• As two men continue in study of the the Word, pray that their eyes will be open to its truth and they will desire to know more of Him. May they accept His gift of salvation and be witnesses for Him in their community.
• Continue to pray for those lone believers who have no opportunity for communal worship, study, and fellowship. Pray that they will grow stronger in faith and trust in the Lord. Pray that they will find ways to safely share their faith with others and become His church where it is not yet established.
• A couple of university students are on a spiritual journey together seeking to know more about Jesus. Pray that nothing will prevent them from continuing this journey and surrendering to Him as Lord and Savior.
• Please pray for "Jennifer" whom we have prayed for in the past. She is the local woman who is suffering from the effects of black magic. The good news is that her believing friends continue to love her and share the gospel with her. The bad news is that she has been moving away from them recently. Please pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to work in her life, bringing her back to her friends so that the light of Christ would continue to shine in her dark life. Pray that the Father would speak to her through the Bible which she has access to and also through dreams of Christ which she has had in the past. Let's continue to pray for her salvation!
• Also pray for a local man in the same country who is also hearing a lot of the gospel from a believer. Both of these locals need the Holy Spirit to break through and change their hearts and minds completely. Pray that God would do so.
PTAP on the PrayerMate App
PTAP is now on the PrayerMate app which you can download for free on iOS or Android. Check it out under the "World Mission" category. Just another way to help us pray for the AP and many other regions of the world!