The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

17 June, 2010

Embrace a Saviour.


We've lived in our home for 6 years and this is the first time we've seen our cactus bloom. We've also witnessed glimpses of 'flowers' blooming in the lives of our friends here, being slowly but surely transformed by the love and grace of our Lord Jesus! Now may the desert blossom more with the flowers of His love and truth!


Recently, several young women became involved in a heated discussion about Christianity and Islam. Though they parted as friends, it was evident that they did not agree with each other. Only the Holy Spirit can turn hearts to Himself. Ask that those who do not believe will listen to His urgings. Ask that they will have dreams about the One who died for their sins.

Pearls are a great part of our history. Men dove for pearls in the Persian Gulf, risking their lives to collect the pearls, which could be sold to meet their needs. Ask that the people will hear about the "Pearl of Great Price" and the One who gave His life for them.

Road traffic accidents are very common here. Arabs seem to drive their cars as they used to drive their camels...... This leads to a shocking number of deaths in traffic. Pray for N. who drove his bus into a wall while dialling a number on his mobile phone, 30 people needed to be hospitalized. Pray that this will bring N to his knees, asking forgiveness from Jesus.

This country is very wealthy. With oil and natural gas revenues, the people of this land have plenty. What about their spiritual needs? Ask that they will hear about the Savior who gives salvation and inner peace, which no riches can give.

'Hassan', a Muslim, shared with a tentmaker how he had been living in sin in another country, until his father found out about it and brought him back home to the Gulf. He confessed that he still struggles, though less than before, and wished he could find a Bible in Arabic. When the tentmaker presented him with a New Testament some days later, he exclaimed with excitement, "Yes!" Pray for the power of God's Word to lead him to salvation.


Today I visited one of my friends. 'Susan' and I have had a friendship for several years. Years ago, she also had a friendship with Christians, and it did open her heart. Although she has a Bible, and has read in it, she still does not understand the message fully. I discover so much fear to even try to understand.

Some people have stopped spending time with Susan, because she is my friend.....she imagines what would happen if she would start to believe in Jesus.

But there are so many difficulties in her life. Today she poured out her heart to me.....Oh, may she call on the Lord in her need. Please pray for her to embrace a Savior who can meet her deepest needs with His love.