Partnershaft Arabische Halbinsel
Das Evangelium für jeden Menschen und eine Gemeinde für jede der einheimischen Volksgruppen der Arabischen Halbinsel.
18 January 2017
For Muslims in the region most of the very basics of Christianity are a struggle to accept and contrary to their view of God. To think of God as Father, or even more than that; as Daddy (Abba) is really difficult. As well,the concept of the Trinity is a big obstacle. It is believed God does not share his deity with another so it is hard then to accept Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Another difficulty is the sacrifice Christ made on the cross. It is believed that if Christ was God he would never have had to die on a cross set apart for criminals. As well, it is thought that no man can die for the sins of another, each must make restitution for their own wrongs. The people in this regions struggle with some of the most basic truths that come from God's Word.
• Pray for the truth about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to be revealed across the region. Pray that many in this region would come to understand what Jesus accomplished on the cross. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be released over the hearts and lives of people in this region. Pray for a revelation of God's personal touch in this area of the world.
A young man is praising God for being with him in hard circumstances. God has promised that he will "never leave or forsake" his people. Pray for Believers in the AP who are struggling with their surroundings, whether it be physical hardship or lack of freedom to live openly for Christ. Pray that God will give them joy even in their suffering.
I look up to the mountains- does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! Psalm 121:1