The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

18 May, 2011

Beginning to Understand


Praise God we were able to give books explaining the Truth through art to a couple of neighbours and it was well received. Please pray that this might stimulate many questions from them, and an opportunity to share our stories of walking with Jesus.

Many people in the Arabian Peninsula love sports. Sports and sporting events also allow for people to be able to share the Good News with people, as people from around the world come to view these events. Qatar is one of those countries that has and will continue to host major sporting events. Please watch and pray through Sports, Qatar


Pray for a family who have heard the Word many times, but still do not believe. Right now, they are fearful because their country is in the midst of unrest and possible problems. Ask that they will remember the stories about the Saviour that they heard from friends who are not in the country at the moment. Ask that they will find security in the Lord and accept Him.

Please pray for a young woman here who was married, abused, quickly divorced, and then forced by Islamic court to pay back all the dowry money to her former husband. Understandably, she feels used and bitterly resentful. Please pray for her & her entire family to come to know the faithful One who truly loves. They have had a lot of Christian input into their lives over the years.

Pray God will bring us in contact with those who will be the future leaders of the local church. To those who desire to do God's will more than they fear persecution.

We met "Faisal" a couple of times in which it was clear that he read some parts of our book. It is also clear that he is a person on the edge of society. His behaviour and speaking is considered un-orthodox. There has been no real contact in the last half year. Recently he initiated contact again and shared that his best friend had died in a car crash. Pray that God will use this event in his life to make it clear his need for Christ.

Pray again for "Ali". We prayed for him & his family in March, that his wife would become pregnant and she did, with twins. Now they are born, but 2 ½ months too early, and their health is not good. "Ali" does what many locals would do in these circumstances... he seems to freeze his feelings and cover them with sayings like "this is god's will". Pray that ''Ali" will find himself crying out to Jesus for help, as we pray for him and his family.


"Fahad", a local believer and I met another local believer "Hamed" & his wife "Miriam". We had a good one-hour talk in my mobile office (my car). "Miriam" seems to be an answer to prayer. We had prayed for a believer to visit "Fahad's" wife, who is now beginning to understand the truth of the death and resurrection of Christ. "Miriam" would like to visit "Fahad's" wife. Please pray for "Miriam's" visits to be effective in sharing the truth.