The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
18 January, 2010
A good example.
It is quite certain that the 6 who were kidnapped are still alive. A video of the children has been circulating. Praise the Lord for this sign of hope. Ask that all will be freed. Ask that their needs are being met while they are in captivity, that they may receive enough healthy food and keep warm during the cold nights.
Pray with us that God would stir the hearts of people - that they would move away from an acceptance of Islam to inquisitiveness about the Bible and about the person of Jesus Christ. Pray for Christians to be bold and clear in their witness - in word and deed.
I have a friend, whom I call Ahmed. He has expressed an interest in Christianity and would like to join me one Friday at church to 'see what we do'. He has already told me he has no interest in Islam any more. Unfortunately I live in another city and we do not see each other very often therefore it is proving somewhat difficult to arrange. Please pray that the Lord would keep the friendship going and that the visit will go ahead.
Please pray for our country. Ask the Lord to dispel the darkness that is inhibiting the progress of the Gospel and the growth of the church during these days.
It seems that one of Satan's tactics in this country is to delay justice for God's people. The decisions of the court cases against the follower of Christ from an Islamic background who has been framed in a job scandal, have once again been delayed. In another situation, the required promotion of a tentmaker has been delayed due to unnecessary trouble-making of another in the work place. Pray that God will bring about justice quickly, and that his own, who walk in truth, will be strongly supported and freed to minister with joy.
"Cara", a local friend, found a lump in her breast and has been concerned about it being breast cancer. She and her husband initially saw a doctor, but have not been confident in the diagnosis of "everything being okay" at the public clinic, so they have attempted to see a specialist at a private hospital. Unfortunately, the appointment has been canceled a number of times by the hospital due to the doctor being unavailable. Please pray that an accurate diagnosis can be made soon, and for peace for Cara and her family.
I was talking with a local lady about marriage and multiple wives. She explained that the husband should provide all his wives with equal financial and physical attention, but that his feelings might not be equal to all of them. I mentioned that I felt sorry for the children who don’t see their father every day. She said that they don’t need him, just for money or for a ride to somewhere. Fortunately, we do see local families where the father really loves his wife and children and gives them attention, but many do not.
Pray that Christian families may be a good example for the locals and that they will want to know more about Christian family-life.