The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
November 18, 2009
The Brother in Christ from an Islamic backgrough in our country who was being used as a scape-goat in a government related job, and facing possibly a third arrest . . . it turns out this third threat will not be the case! Thanks for your prayers! Also, the first case against him will likely be brought forward and resolved during the first week of November. Please pray that justice will be done, and he will be released from all suspicion.
We are excited about the number of people and groups who want to get involved in the mobilization of the size-able born-again expatriate communities in the Arabian Peninsula. The purpose of this mobilisation is to challenge and equip these communities to engage in outreach and church planting among our host peoples. Thank God for the recent “mobilization huddle” which began to examine how this can be accomplished. Pray for God's powerful anointing on this initiative so that new labourers can be rasied up from within this harvest field.
Pray for the church in our country, in the last six months the government has clamped down on Christian gatherings. Pray for a return to greater freedom of worship and against the fear and the lack of trust that this fuels.
Please continue to pray for a believing husband for a local believer. Small sentence, big request!!
Ask that the Lord will be with some believers who have just been introduced to a worker, who can teach them more about Himself. Ask that they will grow in Faith and share the good news with their family.
Pray for all those nationals from the AP who heard the gospel and received a copy of the scriptures or the Jesus Film DVD during summer outreaches around the world. Pray that they will crave more of the truth they have heard and tell a Christian they may know about their hunger for the true God.
R. attracted our attention when we walked by in the middle of the shopping mall. While others passed by, we were enjoying ourselves, discussing items in the shop display nearby, and R. was reading an Islamic book. We could easy recognize it was an Islamic book because it has a typical shape and layout. He took his reading seriously, taking notes whilst he read in the middle of place full of laughter.
We approached him and had a good hour with him clarifying his misconceptions of Christianity. He knew a lot of the Christian history and the practices of the Catholic church and their beliefs. At one point, he declared his surprise that he never met Christians who had a well defined opinion and were not willing to declare that "each who is good" will go to heaven. R. was curious about our faith but it seems that he does not desire to explore our faith further. Pray that God will draw R. to himself.