The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
19 September, 2012
• Let's pray concerning the unrest that is emanating from this recent video released in the US. Pray for safety of all Westerners. Pray that the eyes of the people would be opened to see that violence is never be the answer.• Pray that some seekers would seek Christ with all their heart, not half-heartedly.
• As people leave and there are fewer workers in an area, pray that they remain focused and committed to what they are called to do. Pray for new people to be sent by Him.
• We pray for Your fame to be known in all the world. We know millions of people are trying to watch this movie on YouTube. We ask people would have a hunger to know Your name and know You. Send dreams and visions across the M world.
Abu Hamza', a local believer in Jesus, moved from his far-away, isolated farm to the city about a year ago. He hoped to have better fellowship that way. However, he still finds himself isolated much of the time, and is contemplating returning to the farm, rather than paying extra rent. Please pray that he will find encouraging fellowship and be strengthened in his walk with the Lord.