The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

19 March, 2010

Hungry Hearts


A church in our city, which we have prayed for previously, was launched this month-- a day that we have been looking forward to with great anticipation for over 7 years! Can you believe we ran out of chairs? Over 400 souls showed up on Friday morning. We're blown away by the power of the Word. Incredible things in God's creation like seething volcanoes and speeding stars are God's handiwork, but it's the gospel that is described as the power of God (Romans 1:16).


Continue to pray for those who are suffering from the conflict in the north of the country. Ask that their needs are being met. Ask that they will hear that God cares for them and loves them.

The only believer known in this area came to faith while being abroad and being hosted by a faith-full family for a couple of weeks. He had heard through his government school education many negative things about Christians and their faith. When he was living among Christians and discovered that they are not bad people, he started to question all the other things he had learned about Christians as well. The example of the Christian family was a start on a path that led him to the Lord. Do pray that Christian families will reach out to Gulf students while they study abroad.

Please pray, too, for K and A, a young couple who hope to leave soon to Europe. Pray that Christians will be found who want to reach out to them.

Recently local news reported that one citizen was killed in a market because of a revenge dispute which lasted for twenty years. Ask that those who kill because of family feuds and revenge, will stop. Ask that they will learn that forgiveness is the most honorable way to solve conflicts.

K. has asked for a holy book through an email address on a Christian site. I was so excited to meet up with him and find that he not only wants a book but asked for prayer that this book would really speak to him. Although we seemed to get along fine, he has stopped answering my calls. Pray for him. Pray that his desire will be fulfilled and that the Word will respond to Him in a clear voice.

"Tell them that we love them." That is what our friends at church said the other day when we told them that they had brothers and sisters on the other side of the world praying for them. It is so beautiful to see the Body of Christ at work. We can't imagine doing what we do without you. The Lord uses your encouragement, prayers and support to keep us going. Every time we pray for you, we always pray with joy.


Two weeks ago, some local children came to my house, together with their older sister ‘Abigail’, who is in her late teens. While I helped some kids with their home work, Abigail saw my Bible. She asked if she could have a close look at it. Since she does not read English well, she asked if I could give her an Arabic one. I did, and she started to read eagerly. Later when I was busy with something, she told me that she was going home and that she would take the Bible with her. She promised to return it to me shortly…but she never did.

A few days ago, Abigail's sister ‘Beatrice’ came here. We worked on a project together, but every time I had to leave the room, I would find her reading a book about the Bible, named “The book that changed the world”. May the Lord fill these hungry hearts.