The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
20 October, 2010
The True Jesus
Thank God for the many times this past year when he has met the needs of his people. Ask that believers will continue to have visions and dreams that encourage them. Ask that they will rely on God to meet their needs.
It seems like many Muslims as part of them coming to know the Lord Jesus have a significant supernatural encounter with Jesus at sometime. To see a short video on this and to pray into this more click Dreams and Visions. Dreams and Visions
Please pray for a portion of Arabia called the Hadramout. Pray that the people in the cities of Seyun, Tarim and Mukalla, located in this area, would hear the Good News and respond to it. Pray that the News will spread to their neighbors and friends and that whole families and villages will believe.
Please pray for one young couple who have sensed God's call and are actively pursuing employment here but haven't secured a job yet. It would be fantastic to have them come and their gifts are much needed.
Pray that God would open a door for them soon.
Please lift up two of my local friends in prayer as they are very open and talking about God regularly. They have many questions and I need God's wisdom in answering them. May God give us all more of a desire and love to pray for the locals of this land and their salvation.
Pray for two Arab believers who appeared on local television last week, announcing their belief in Jesus. Both are in prison, but have boldly stood up to declare their faith. Pray God will continue to raise up more believers to declare themselves, that those who believe in secret might realise they are not alone. May a church be born in this country.
In the newspaper last week, it was reported that a Western woman tore off the full-faced veil of an Arab visitor to her country. The Arab woman tried to replace it and was physically attacked, according to the article. Please pray for this Arab woman and her family, that they do not equate all "Christians" according to what they have experienced. May they meet godly westerners in their home country and see they are not all the same.
When J. walks into a room he gets quite a bit of attention. Long hair and a beard that does not seem to fit his age. He is quick to tell me he that he tries to imitate a picture he has seen of Jesus when he visited a middle eastern church. His newborn son has the name of J's favourite prophet and he is watching Christian channels to learn more about Christ. His words reveal a good knowledge of the Gospel writings. However he does all this, not with the intention (it seems) to become a follower of the Christian Christ, but to be a follower of the Jesus portrayed in the Koran. Pray that J will stimulate his family and friends to study the life of Christ and that God will reveal the true Jesus to them.