The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

22 June, 2011

Special Prayers for Yemen

The second anniversary of the kidnapping of 9 foreigners in Saada, Yemen has just passed. Three were murdered and are now in Heaven. Two are home in Germany with their aunt and uncle. Tony from England and Johannes, Sabine and little Simon (now nearly 3 years old) from Germany are still missing.

Christians in Yemen and others close to this situation thank us for our prayers and request our continued intercession. They ask us to pray that:

The missing four (assuming they are alive) will know the peace, presence and daily provision of Jesus and will be released unharmed shortly

Information about their whereabouts will be forthcoming

The families and colleagues of those missing and murdered will know the peace of Jesus amidst continuing speculation and uncertainty

All believers in Yemen will know the Lord's guidance and protection

The perpetrators will be convicted by the Spirit and drawn to the forgiveness, love and true life offered by Jesus.