The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

24 June, 2010

Looking for Truth.


It was a joy to be part of the Global Day of Prayer in our city. There were over 25 congregations who participated. In this gathering, we saw people from many tribes and nations praying and worshipping together. The joy for us is in knowing that one day, we will see people bowing before His throne from every tribe, tongue and nation.


A writer for the local newspaper, wrote an article about the tribes of this country. He described the tension between those loyal to their tribes versus those loyal to the government of the nation. One man stated, "We from the tribes are not traitors. We just have more devotion to our tribe than to the land we live on." Pray for the people as they work through these differences. Ask the Father to show them his love for all those who are part of the human race, the tribe that began with Adam.

Ask God to network people together who are believing in Christ, and also to those who are seeking. Pray for God-ordained meetings between people who can have fellowship together. Pray for those who are secretly and quietly believing in Christ to come into fellowship with others like them.

This city is known as one of the centres of Islamic religion. The inhabitants are known for their extreme ideas about Islam and how Muslims should live. One person from that area made the comment that locals are either a part of those who have those extreme ideas or they are so "fed up" with these views that they choose the opposite life style. Will you pray for the latter group, that they discover Jesus and the God that He reveals? Will you pray for this city, that God will work mightily among the religious leaders in this city?

Pray for 'Val' as she travels to a neighboring country to minister to the Chinese congregation there.

While driving through the countryside, it was evident that there has been much rain recently. The fields are green and the plants look healthy. Water is a wonderful blessing! Pray that the Good News will also "rain down" on this country. Ask that ways to spread the News to many will be successful. Ask that TV and radio programs will not be blocked and that people will hear the messages from them.


'Ahmed', a local Muslim, came to his professor, and the professor enjoyed the opportunity to share the gospel with him. Ahmed said that he had gone to a church before, looking for truth, but it seemed odd to him. The professor suggested that there are good churches and not-so-good churches. Ahmed asked sincerely for some websites where he could hear worthy teaching. Pray that the Word of God presented will lead him to salvation.