The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

25 January, 2012

Being Drawn


Praise the Lord for those who have established the Saudi House of Peace Pray for their vision, and may a church be established in this land.


We would ask that you view and pray for the country of the United Arab Emirates. May God lead you as you intercede for this small but powerful nation.


- Pray that the Christian bookshops that are open in the market-place will be used to better advantage. Please pray they become well known and may many more locals seek God's Word.

- Recently, a Christian worker was able to visit and have dinner with a group of ladies (nine in all) from the majority faith. Please pray that these opportunities will be used to His glory, that Christ will be seen and be attractive, that conversations will be to His honour and glory, and, ultimately, that the gospel will be proclaimed at the right time.

- Pray for more long-term workers to come with a vision to reach out to locals.

- Some families are returning to their homes in the capital city as the military presence decreases in Yemen. There are still many political problems to work through. Pray that these issues will be solved.

- Pray for the many people that believers see every day & would like to share the Gospel with, but language is a barrier. May they be creative in ways of sharing through literature or the internet which will speak to them in their own language.


'Ahmed' is being drawn to the Scriptures! Great news! He is starting some online discipleship but has no computer, only a mobile phone with internet access. He lives 1000 km from the nearest known person who could meet him face to face. He is meeting with three other local friends and they speak about the Bible he received. The friends each want their own copy.

Please pray for Ahmed and his friends. Pray the Spirit will teach them, make them hungry for Scriptures and lead them to the Savior.