The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
25 May 2017
Prayer Requests
• Ramadan begins this coming Saturday (May 27), and many throughout the Arab Peninsula will be fasting, going to special prayers at the mosques, and spending time reading the Qur'an more. Pray that Jesus will visit many in dreams and visions during this special time, and that there may be a hunger for Truth among many in the Arabian Peninsula. Also pray for the Muslim background believers during this time--that they will hold on to their faith with steadfastness and not be ashamed of the Gospel.
• Pray that believers in the Arabian Peninsula will keep themselves in the love of God (Jude 1:21). Ask that the believers will gladly receive the never ceasing stream of living water, i.e. the love of God, with praise. Pray that the believers will sense the love of God in the workplace, streets, in conversations with local neighbors, in whatever they do...
• A cholera epidemic has hit the country of Yemen with over 50 deaths in the capital alone according to Reuters news. Garbagemen have been on strike because they are not being paid. The people have been told that vegetables are contaminated. Please pray for those who are grieving the loss of family. Please pray that the epidemic will be contained and eradicated. Please pray for peace in Yemen.