The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
30 March, 2011
Jesus Knows Their Needs
Praise God that Friday's demonstrations did not result in many deaths. Thank you to those who prayed for peace in the land. May the Lord continue to see His Kingdom grow in these days.
Yemen has been in the news with much uprising and a call for the President to step down. Please view this short 1 min video and pray that all the different Tribal Areas of Yemen would be reached with the good news.Tribal Areas of Yemen
A young lady has worked for several years with foreigners and was very open to learn about the Good News. At one point she felt Allah speaking to her through the Quran and that she was on the right way. That stopped her search for the Truth. Recently, she was deeply touched through a movie and her heart is softening to Jesus. Please pray that she may have the courage to surrender to the Good Shepherd, despite the consequences this may have for her at home and with her friends.Muslims who come to know Jesus and want to marry a believer are often limited in their choices for a spouse. All others around them are Muslim. One local believer has recently become engaged to a girl, after she made a decision to trust in Christ. But there is some question as to the genuine leading of God in all these decisions. Pray for God's guidance in finding spouses, for genuine conversions, and for the establishment of strong Christian families among local believers.
Lift up the poor who are struggling to feed their families. Ask that they will come to the understanding that the Father loves them and sees their needs. Ask that their needs will be met.
There are families who are seriously trying to come to our country but can't at this moment. Please remember them: "Bob&Jane", "Jack&Jill" and "John&Sue". Not many people want to live here. It is frustrating to know that these families have taken preparations in language learning and career planning, and aren't finding possibilities. Pray that God will use them where they are now and will show them what to do regarding a move to this country.
One of the local believers who had shared with his wife in the past, shared again on Saturday afternoon. He said his wife now confesses faith in Jesus and His salvation. But she is trying to figure out what that means for the local millions, including her extended family. All in her web of relationships strongly believe a different prophet. 'How is that possible? How does this work out?' she wonders.
Please pray for "Ali" and his wife. He shared with us about 7 months ago that he and his wife were hoping for children but had no success. I said I would pray and God answered; she is now 5 months pregnant. Yesterday she had abdominal pain and was admitted to hospital due to a risk of losing her baby. Please pray for "Ali" and his wife, that God would answer our prayers and the babies (actually twins) will deliver at the right time. Also please pray that God would open their eyes so they would recognize that Jesus knows their needs and wants to answer them when they call.