The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

30 March 2018


Pray for Saudi Arabia

PTAP is partnering with Saudi Advocacy Network (SAN) to encourage people to pray for Saudi Arabia during Saudi Prayer Week (March 29 - April 6, 2018).

Watch the video below of our Saudi brother in Christ who is leading this week of prayer and fasting. More information on why they chose March 29 - April 6 as a week of prayer and fasting for Saudi Arabia is in the video, so don't miss it!

You can also click HERE for the video script.

Let's continue to pray as the global church for the Lord to keep visiting Saudi Arabia with his saving grace and steadfast love in Christ alone.

PTAP on the PrayerMate App

PTAP is now on the PrayerMate app which you can download for free on iOS or Android. Check it out under the "World Mission" category. Just another way to help us pray for the AP and many other regions of the world!

See here for more info: