The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
December 31, 2009
A good impression.
Praise God for the opportunity to share about the Christmas story with our special friends. We are looking forward to the planned sports day on January 1st. Pray for one-on-one times of sharing and deepening friendships during our day together.
Continue to ask the Father to help the foreigners in this country who have been kidnapped in the last 6 months. A Japanese man was taken this week. Ask that all of their needs are being met. Ask that they will be released from captivity. Ask that God will help their families as they wait. Pray for those who are involved in negotiations or a looking for the captives, that they will be successful.
Ask that as Muslims look through the channels on their satellite TVs, they will stop to watch the programs about Jesus. Pray for those who make these programs, that God will give them wisdom.
Pray for those coming on short term teams and prayer visits - that God would use these visits to reach out to local people through His 'chance meetings', and for opportunities to speak and to give out the Word.
In this country, many people do not know the real meaning of Christmas. Those who understand, are hosting Christmas parties to share with their friends the story of Jesus' birth and the implications of this event. Ask the Father to open the hearts of the people who are hearing this for the first time.
Fred asked if we can continue to pray for his friend Moe who is dying from Lou Gehrig's Disease. Moe is in his early 40s, married and with three small children. He is currently out of the country seeking specialized medical help. May His will be accomplished in this situation and may Moe have opportunities to hear the good news. Praise God that we are about to start a couple to couple study with Fred and Beth.
I met a lady who has been divorced and her 7 year old son is living with her ex-husband. She has become the 2nd wife of a religious man from the mosque here and has 2 children from him. The relationship with the 1st wife is not very good and it seems she is quite lonely and was happy to meet me. She has some foreign blood and has lived for a while in another Arab country where she had a Christian neighbor who made a good impression on her.
Pray for this lady, for all the hardship she has to go through. Pray that I can have good conversations with her to make clear to her that God accepts her for who she is and loves her.