The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
3 February, 2010
Witness in word and deed.
Praise God that a local person asked for a Bible to be sent to them. Ask that the Holy Spirit will continue to work in the life of this person, drawing them into the 'family'.
A dubbed copy of the "Jesus Film" was meant to be given to one student. However, at the time it was given, two or three other students came around. "Oh, we'll all watch it together," was their response. Pray that God's Spirit will convict them as they watch, that its message will be seen as not just an option, but a personal call to the only way of salvation.
Pray for God to bring others to faith in Him and provide brothers and sisters and a local community for believers.
Please pray for the Holy Spirit to help secret believers recognize each other, and show them how to connect for fellowship. Pray they will build each other up with their gifting, bless each other, and grow strong in their knowledge & intimacy with the Lord Jesus.
Pray for a believer whose husband has died. Ask that she will be comforted and be a witness to her neighbors.
Last year we prayed for a local Arab believer struggling deeply with believing she is loved by God. God is starting to heal this precious woman. She is walking in renewed hope and faith in God's love. She is not completely there but we are seeing progress. Please pray for her journey to know God more, and those workers that are walking alongside her will faithfully disciple & encourage her.
It amazes me how much Hollywood productions negatively influence the perception of Christianity. Recently, it was nice to meet one among the guys I had coffee with who had met a Christian brother named Keith, a long time ago, who had shared with him that as a believer in Christ, he did not agree with the Hollywood productions and its morals displayed. It was encouraging to see that the witness of Keith was vividly remembered and that his testimony was taken as proof that believers in Christ have a different lifestyle.
Our testimonies seem, at the time, to have so little effect, but this event showed that it spreads to friends through the mouths of those who have seen and heard the witness. Pray that God will stimulate His people in this country to witness in word and deed. Pray for the ones at the coffee table, that God will make them curious about the morals and values of Christ.