The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
November 5, 2009
God was at work.
We constantly go before the Throne with requests, beseeching that God would perform miracles, intervene in someone's life, provide jobs, heal the sick, and so on. But this week, let's pray in thanksgiving and praise. Praise the Father for what He HAS done in this country and in the lives of national believers, thank Him for what He IS doing, and let us all exalt Him for what He WILL do in this country in the future. We have much to be thankful for – let us not forget that!
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord, O my soul!
I will praise the Lord while I live;
I will sing praises to my God while I have my being. (Psalm 146:1-2)
One evangelistic approach being used in our country is to simply read a passage of Scripture when visiting within local family settings. Pray that the National Muslims will express a desire to hear and learn more, and that God will call out His own from among them for His kingdom. Pray that those present who would want to discredit the dependability of the Bible and it’s truth would not be favoured.
The locals here are friendly and hospitable, but restrained. They consider it impolite to discuss religious questions, making it difficult to have deep conversations with them. This may also be a result of having been persecuted by other 'branches' of Islam. Pray for the Holy Spirit to open hearts for conversation.
Ask that the Lord will be with some believers who have just been introduced to a worker who can teach them more about Himself. Ask that they will grow in faith and share the good news with their family.
We are hoping to negotiate a contract for the church plant to have weekly meetings near the downtown area of our city - we have a possible location. Please pray for God’s miraculous help in researching and securing a place to meet. Pray especially for wisdom in negotiations and for our relationship with the building management.
Pray for media tools such as video, television and the internet – that they will be effective in making the gospel available to the young and old alike in this small nation.
During a regular working day with colleagues all around, this man drew me into a discussion about faith. He is about 30 years and has done a lot of reading about our faith. The discussion jumped from the Trinity to Martin Luther; from original sin to how Christ can pay for our sins. His conclusion was that Christians are following an illogical faith which is complicated and absolutely false.
I came away from the discussion satisfied that, while he displayed impressive knowledge, God was at work. I trust that God has led him through all his study and has started a work in him that HE will complete. Pray that this man will start an internet relationship with a witnessing Christian. Pray that this Paul-like man will see the light and that the scales blinding his eyes will be taken away. Pray also for his colleagues who listened to our discussion.