The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples


Thank you for praying for the inter-church youth worship concert. It was a great success. The leaders were very encouraged and blessed the youth and young adults leading and entering together into vibrant worship. Thank you for joining us in prayer.


Please pray for a formerly violent man who threatened Christian workers, but who seems to have become a secret believer. He has accepted Bibles and other growth material, but his seriously anti-Christian brother is a member of the secret police.

Pray for Sandra, a local believer, who continues to struggle with marriage and family issues. Please pray for her to respond in a godly manner, even in difficult situations with her husband. Pray for wisdom and discernment.

A few days ago, there was a car bomb which exploded in a city north of us, killing 8 and wounding about a 100. Do pray for the families that grieve and for healing for those wounded. Pray for the people behind this tragedy that they will be brought to justice. Pray that those who seek to bring unrest to the country through activities such as these, will fail.

Kuwait is to have new elections for its parliament soon, the previous parliament having been cancelled by the Amir. Many arrests of citizens have been made, for illegal procedures in family tribes to determine their preferred candidates. Pray that peace will persist between the various elements of government.

Pray for J, the son of a Tent-making family, who had a major health crisis last month. Pray for God to bring healing to this young man, and that the parents would find rest in this very stressful situation.


We spent time with a young friend, whom we call Sweet, having coffee last week. We talked about many things, including her personal life and issues to do with bringing up young children. Towards the end of our conversation, she shared with us how she sees that we are very committed to our faith. She then mentioned that perhaps we should read the Quran and that she would also read the Bible. I offered to bring her a copy next time we meet. Please pray for Sweet, that she would start the read the Bible, and through it, find the Author and Perfecter of our faith as her Saviour and Lord. Thank you for praying for God's light to shine through Christians here.