The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
Give glory to God for a number of new believers in the prisons in our city.
Pray for the Arab man from the region who has come to faith in Jesus, as he travels to a western country for a holiday and to meet a relative for the first time. He does not know what his relative's faith is and what his life is like at all. Pray for an opening for the Gospel and the boldness to proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ.
Recently, an acting troupe came through to perform the Good News in schools. Thank you for remembering them when they were here. Now ask that the impact that they made will be followed up by those who believe as they do. Ask that the kids who heard the stories will continue to hear the message from other sources.
Pray for workers in our land who organize special events for their friends, colleagues and neighbours. Pray for God's blessing on these events and for God's Word and truth to be active and working in people's lives.
The practice of scoffing and humiliating is common between local people of different backgrounds. Please pray for a local woman we will call "the Interpreter", who was very upset recently. Through situations beyond her control, she was insulted by scoffing and rude comments from her customers. She was furious and refused to continue in her current job. In the days following, she was shifted to another work situation where she is more satisfied. "The Interpreter" is proud of her family heritage and her identity is partly based on these roots, hence the hurt from scoffing about her background. Pray "the Interpreter" finds her identity in Jesus. Pray that the scoffers will be convicted of their acts.
Please pray for a number of key ministries who are currently reviewing a great list of projects in the coming year. Ask that as they decide which they will support in the coming year, they find sense the leading of the Lord and have great wisdom.
God is moving in a powerful way through the Perspectives Course (being taught in the Gulf). Continue to pray for the 170 "hearers" at these classes representing over 20 nationalities and many congregations. Here's a note from a participant:
"I just wanted to say how much I am enjoying this Perspectives class. God has done great things in me that I can't take any credit for or even explain many times. When I listen to what is presented in this class, I am in awe of God. This is where it makes sense, when His word comes to life. As I re-read the word "awe" it seems a bit strange or strong. But I can't explain it any other way. Again, when I left this week I was reflecting on this great bit of knowledge that has been thrust upon me and I nearly came to tears of joy in amazement of His plan and how He has chosen me to be a part of it. I couldn't help but pray out my thankfulness on the drive home. I've grown up in the church my whole life, tried to do all the right things, and sat through all kinds of church stuff like this. But the only place that ever got me after 30 years was absolutely broken in my own sinfulness (finally!). As I reflect on my past life I am truly amazed at His plan as it is being revealed and how it does involve me. What has been taught not only rings so true with His Spirit in me, but fits so well into what he has been laying on my heart for this last year."