The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
February 28, 2009
Campus leaders.
Thanks for remembering the Believers. Praise God for one brother in particular who is now sharing with others where he lives. Do ask that the Father will be with one who has moved away from the other guys he was meeting with. Ask that he will find a new group to meet with. Also ask that a brother who has financial needs will be provided for.
Do remember a young man who is having troubles with starting a business. Ask that he will be free from the corrupt government officials who are creating problems for him.
Please pray for a numbers workers that are here and hoping to start a new program in our country. They hope to start more work in the villages. Please pray for God's favor upon them.
There are many from SA who travel to the countries that border them. Expensive cars with SA license plates speed through the highways announcing to all that the visitors have arrived. Do pray that those from Saudi will hear the gospel when they travel. Ask that they will take the good news to their families.
Pray for the new pastor and his wife at the international church. Ask for grace and God's wisdom as they settle into life here, and for a vision and anointing to do what He is calling them to during their time here. Pray for joy as they serve, wisdom in cross-cultural issues, and blessing on all that they do.
It seems impossible, humanly speaking, that all who live in the mountain villages, spread across Y, will hear the gospel. Do ask that the Message will come to these villages.
As Jane sliced through her Indian-made Mexican quesadillas from the Arab-owned campus restaurant, Aisha excitedly shared with her Christian friend about her latest report – "Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized." Her brown eyes shined under her light-colored hijab, (Islamic head covering), as she built her case in youthful (but misguided) exurberance, that "...the only laws which are effective for society are those that keep people from hurting one another – all other laws are superfluous". Incredibly, through this discussion and between mouthfuls of the quesadillas, Jane was able to share her story of redemption and clearly relate the Good News of Jesus. Though Alisha is quite the talker, she hung on every word!
Jane met Aisha just after the Bible study group at her campus. Jane is hopeful that her local friend will join us next time. The group has more than quadrupled in attendance since the fall, mostly non-believers attending. Shihab, one of the student leaders, says the growth is a direct result of the intensive campus ministry training in August.
Please remember Aisha and others like her and pray that they will open their hearts to Jesus. Ask also for Christian student leaders to realise and implement God’s vision for their campuses. Pray especially for one group of students who continue to seek official recognition as a club on their campus.