The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
September 21
I cried out to God
Praise God for those who are native to the Arabian Peninsula who have come to faith in Christ over the past decade. Ask that God would encourage each one of them and help them keep the faith. Praise God that we will meet these, His children in heaven.
There is much talk among national Arab followers of Jesus in a weekly Bible study about becoming a church in our city. Some of the steps discussed could involve becoming more visible as Christian believers. Please pray for God's wisdom and protection.
On our college campus, we recently brought a few key leaders together to invest in specific leadership training, campus envisioning, and a study through the book of Jonah. On campus, the students who are leading these small group meetings are applying skills that will be valuable within the body for the rest of their lives. Please pray that God will light a fire in the hearts of the students, that many new students will enter into the community and that together, we will see God transform their hearts.
There are many Somali refugees who live under poor conditions in camps or homes around Y. Many of them could tell frightening tales of how they arrived here. Many have suffered terribly. Pray for one European family who has been asked to help some of the Somali orphan children - that they would know how to minister to them.
Please pray for the security and safety of the workers here in this country. We are now losing our third family this summer because the authorities have terminated visas. Please pray that we will not lose heart and become fearful as we continue to share in our workplace and with our neighbours. The spirit of fear is apparent in some of the workers and we need the encouragement of our many prayer warriors.
Pray for workers in our land as they prayerfully consider the year ahead and where to give their time and energies. There is much to be done and so few workers. Pray, too, that the Lord of the Harvest would enable workers to enter the country through secular jobs and fulfill whatever role He gives them in bringing the light of Christ into situations.
"It happened to me twice", our new believing friend, Joy recalled. "Once in the summer and now again. I had no food in the house and all my children were complaining. I sat and prayed and prayed and cried out to God."
"Then, there was a knock at the door. We all went to the door and found a pile of food - rice, oil, pasta, tomato sauce, etc. Everything we needed. There was no one in sight. Is it really for us?", Joy asked. Her daughter said: "Of course it's for us. Who else would it be for!" Now my kitchen is full of food!!