The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
Hunger to read God's Word: from S.E. Asia to the Gulf.
A Gulf Arab visited S. E. Asia for holiday last year. During his visit he met Christians who gave him an Arabic New Testament. He was so pleased with it, that he commissioned his nephew to get him the whole Bible!
One evening, the nephew showed up at the shop and asked if we had 100 Arabic English Bibles. He had been commissioned by his uncle in his home country to buy these. My little faith tried to persuade him to take a smaller quantity for fear these will be confiscated at the border and he would get into trouble. But he was undeterred and was ready to pay for them. We had 85 Arabic Bibles in stock and he took them all! We told him we would pray for him. Praise God he managed to get through without any difficulty! Who knows how many secret believers are in that land? Pray for lasting fruits from the Word and the secret believers in this region.
Since then he returned and purchased another 50 Bibles to give to close friends. Pray for eternal fruit, and protection for these men and their families.