The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
May 5, 2009
Love your enemies.
Thank you for praying for the theatre group who performed for several thousand children last month. The children left singing the songs that they heard, and were still heard singing them long after the performances were over. The messages of the Father's love and the fact that we should love one another were clearly given (even the officials in charge of the event reinforced these words). The actors were deeply touched by the needs of this nation, and committed to pray for those who they met.
Ask God for the continued safety of secret believers as they deal with the fact of western Christians being removed from the country.
In our workplace, students come for work placement and learn many things. As we pray and share the bible everyday, we are able to introduce concepts that are new into their lives. One current student has been very keen to participate in devotional times. She agrees with what we share and adds her comments. We pray that the Word that is being sowed will bear fruit soon and not die away.
Continue to uphold Joseph, we have prayed for many years for him. He has a believing wife and children but is very resistant and aggressive. Pray for his wife, who is in the pit of despair at the moment, and wondering whether she should she give up. "How long, Oh Lord" she cries, "before you answer?"
The unity of our small fellowship of BMBs is being threatened by petty offenses and withdrawals. Pray that Satan's work will indeed be destroyed by the love of Christ and work of God's Spirit, and that the young believers will learn the principles of peace-making.
Recently the AP Network members met for a weekend. Ask for continued wisdom and boldness as these men and women seek to implement plans and strategies in partnership to usher the Kingdom of God to the AP.
There is a lady who was born in the west of country but is from a mixture of nationalities. In most of the country, the people stick to their tribe, but, because she doesn’t come from any tribe, she is considered an outsider. No-one from the local crowd wants to have a relationship with her.
She is relatively open minded, doesn't cover her face all the time and loves relationships with foreigners. One of the intentional workers has had an opportunity to share some things about our faith with her - about why Jesus had to die and that why He instructs us love our enemies. Pray that she will think more about this mysterious Lover, Jesus who wants a relationship with her. Please that she will begin to search for the Truth.