The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

December 15

Family commitment


A national brother still remains in prison unjustly over a work related scandal. Thank God for the many who have given financially to offset the cost of lawyers and provide for his family. Continue to pray for his quick release.


The Indian Christian community in our country has been deliberately targeted in the last month by the authorities. Prayer meetings have been broken up by police and the leaders carted off to prison then put on planes back to India. Other Indian Fellowships have lost their places of worship and are being targeted now as they meet in small house groups. The police are regularly taking number plates each Friday. Usually the Fellowship leaders are given maximum 24 hours to leave. Please pray that the sense of discouragement throughout the Indian community will be upheld by the Christian community in the 'free world' and that these brothers and their families will be protected back in their home states.

Please pray that confusion will come to those who are teaching and advocating anarchy in the Mosques across our country.

Continue to pray for those who are in prison for their faith in Christ. Ask that they will not be discouraged when they are given promises and they do not happen. Ask that they will be a tremendous witness to their captors. Ask that the needs of their families will be met in miraculous ways.

Pray that Christians working in our country will have opportunities to make meaningful contact with those around them, sharing and demonstrating the love of Christ.

The "US credit crunch" is creating financial instability around the world. This may affect the level of financial support given for those serving cross culturally. As the holidays approach and people's funds move toward celebrating Christmas with presents, please pray that people will remember the gift of Christ's love lived out through those serving in the field and the greatest present of all - salvation through Jesus Christ. Pray that those serving on the AP will get the support needed to share the greatest gift of all with many.


During the recent Muslim holidays, extended families got together and celebrated the Hajj (pilgrimage)-time. We joined one family on an extended visit and having observed their family life, asked them about this time. In their responses, it struck us how much efforts are undertaken to keep the relations tight. Cousins, nieces, uncles and other relatives... they all know each other and are committed to each other.

If someone in this family chooses against the norm he will be forced back "in line" by the rest of the family. Choosing for Christ while maintaining this strict family commitment, appears to us, is a massive challenge.

Pray for followers of Christ from an Islamic background during this celebration season. Pray that God will grant them feelings of belonging. Also pray that God will draw whole extended families to Him.