The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
February 7, 2009
Special gift.
Praise God for the visit of Philip Yancey throughout the Gulf the past two weeks. Ask God to take the seeds sown during this time and produce fruit that will last (John 15:16).
There are many Believers who are very lonely here. They are afraid to talk to those who are seeking, as they do not trust them. Ask that they will be given discernment by God to know who they can be open with about their beliefs and who they must be careful with.
Pray for planning of two new ministries in our country, both seeking to reach local nationals. Pray for important aspects that still need to be finalised before launch sometime in the next six months.
Please intercede for those Christians who are seeking work here in our country - ask God to open doors for them to come and serve Him here.
You will remember Saeed from last week's testimony. Though he is successful in his outward life, he is miserable emotionally and spiritually. Pray for his next encounter with Elton, that it would move him further in his knowledge of Jesus. Ask for Jesus to reveal himself to this troubled young man.
"Sam", a Gulf Arab national, has been calling upon expatriate believers in the country for help against what may be demonic influence in his life. Although he appears unstable mentally, he is now listening to advice from God's Word. Pray that he will be utterly saved, and freed to walk a new life in Christ.
Every nation has its own traffic laws. There are some in our part of Arabia that are quite creative. Cars line up in five or six rows through double lane roads. Drivers cut across traffic to make U turns and pedestrians continually dart in front of moving cars. There is one law though, which stands firm. When the light turns red, you had better be stopped. In fact, a policeman can give you a ticket for passing through a yellow light.
One day, a foreigner failed to see the yellow light and passed through the intersection as it was turning red. The officer motioned for him to pull over, hinting that he would accept a bribe. The driver said, "I have a special gift for you, something not for sale here". He handed him a portion of Scripture. With surprise, the policeman accepted it, pocketing it as he returned to his duties. Pray that this man will read the gift and come to Faith.