The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples


Praise the Lord that a key worker in the region has received an "all clear" message from the doctors regarding her bout with cancer.


Pray for a young family who are in need of financial help. Ask that the Father will provide for them in such a way that they know that the help has come from Him.

God has designed us to be in close and committed relationships with one another as a community of believers. We have had significant challenges getting young believers to desire to be in relationship with one another. Some driven by fear, others due to the Sunni / Shia cultural divisions. Pray that God would draw these young believers currently meeting independently into a body that loves, cares for and supports one another.

Pray for Sandra who continually faces challenges with her husband, families conflicts and other struggles. Pray that she grows in her ability to call on God in the midst of her struggles, and to choose forgiveness with some key issues with her siblings.

There are a significant number of non-Arab Muslims coming to faith here in our large city. Most of the new believers have very few people to disciple them. Strife and conflict are affecting the way these believers function inside and outside the church.


Mohammed's world was disrupted when his maid told him about the dreams she had been having. The maid's consecutive dreams pictured him opening the door of his room to find Jesus standing and waiting.

This grabbed Mohammed's attention and prompted him in real life to seek out more. As a result, earlier this month, he professed faith in Christ. Praise God for his work in this man's life!

Pray for his inquisitiveness to continue, and that he would grow steadfast and strong as a follower of Jesus.