The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
February 14, 2009
Miracles of Jesus.
Praise the Lord for the great desert visit our family had with our new local Muslim friends. Not only did we get to deepen our friendship as families, we were introduced to their whole clan, meeting grandmother, father & mother, brothers with their wives and kids. We now have a large network of people to meet with and introduce to Jesus.
Please pray for our friend "Marwan" who recently began following Christ-- that God would grant him the grace that he needs to stand firm amidst attacks of the enemy in a place that is not supportive of his new faith in Christ.
Our country is rich in natural beauty and cultural heritage. It provides an attractive destination for travelers. Pray for outreach opportunities through tourism.
Pray for those Christians seeking work here - that God would open doors for them to come and serve Him here.
Modern techniques give new opportunities for making the Good News known. Many young people in the AP own modern mobile phones which can play movies. Several movies are available through the Internet about Old Testament prophets and about the life of the Lord Jesus. Pray that these will make it into the hands of those who are seeking the truth. Pray for the production of effective multimedia productions that will challenge the youth.
Ask the Father to speak to a man who is seeking Him. Ask that he will understand the Book that he has been given and that he will continue to ask questions to the man who gave it to him.
A few weeks back, a group of people were driving home in the morning after an overnight trip. On the way, they saw a huge group of camels. They stopped to take photos and in the process were able to talk to the camel herdsmen. The men asked them if they were Muslims. They said that they were not and they told them that they were Christians. They then asked the men if they had heard about Jesus in the Koran and the men said that they had not. The men were told about the miracles of Jesus, what the Koran said about Him and who He is. Please pray that this "seed" sown will bear fruit.