The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

September 30

Summer outreach


Praise God for a new family who report they have had a great first month on the AP. They started language school last week and are having a wonderful time picking up Arabic in an immersion situation. While they have found the weather hot and the cultural adjustment great, they are doing well and LOVE it here. Continue to pray for their ability to learn the language and communicate effectively and the adjustment to the new environment.


You may have heard the news of the attack on the US Embassy recently in Yemen. There were several families and small children in the consular section getting passports and visas when the attack occurred. Thank the Lord, with us, that none of them were physically injured in any way. Pray that they will heal emotionally, as they heard the conflict and felt the building that they were in shake. Pray for the families of the guards and attackers, as they grieve the loss of their loved ones. Pray that all young people of this country will see the senselessness of using this method to solve conflict and not be pulled into terrorist groups.

Please continue to pray for the youth program at the church here which is just re-starting. Pray for the many international youth (from USA, Europe, India, Philippines, New Zealand, Australia, Sri Lanka etc..). Ask God to bless the leaders with wisdom, energy and the gifting to lead youth to a whole hearted commitment to Jesus Christ. Pray that the youth would not experience a spiritual desert here, but would rather blossom and bloom in their spiritual lives while residing here in the Gulf region.

Pray for the 5 families who have had to leave our country. Ask for God to speak to them, comfort them and give them direction. Ask that He will lead them back to the AP.

Please pray for all of the college campuses as ministry begins and continues with the new fall semester. Pray that student's open attitudes towards studying new ideas will lead them to take an objective study of our book. Pray for preparation of hearts for ripening of the word that is shared through campus leaders and believing students.

Jim was invited to a friend's home and to his surprise he was asked to pray for the meal. He wasn't sure what to do. He recounted later, "I can't recall what I said, but in my head I know I was sincerely praying to God." Pray that Jim will come to know this God to whom he prays!


Over the Northern Summer, three teams worked in a European holiday destination which is popular with Gulf Arabs. One of these teams was made up entirely of Arabs and had many encouraging encounters.

One of the most exciting was to hear how God had worked in the life of a a lady from North Africa who had met some from this team four years ago during a similar summer outreach. Since the challenge of encountering Arab believers then, she testified of how she had now become a believer. She now serves in a local church nearby. She also joined the team for the rest of the time and ministered boldly on the streets alongside her Arab brothers and sisters.