The Arabian Peninsula Partnership
The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples
Give thanks for the perseverance in faith of local brothers and sisters here in our country.
Please remember a lady in the southwest of the A.P. who has been asked to teach several ladies whose husbands believe. Also the children in these families need teaching. Ask that she will have wisdom in preparing what the ladies need and that a program that meets the needs of the children will come together.
Pray for continued fruit amongst the Chinese who are here for employment. Pray for many to be reached, for God to use the Chinese believers to reach and disciple other Chinese. Pray for special strengthening for those who are returning to mainland China.
After good attendance at our weekly gathering and Bible study for local MBB's, a couple now have wandered off, and we're not hearing from them. Pray especially for Mohammed, and other non-attending believers, that they will become desperate for fellowship, and that the fellowship will continue to be meaningful and sustained.
Pray that a local believer in our land would finish writing an audio script for personal evangelism sharing. Pray that it will be presented as a powerful life changing message when it is recorded.
Please pray for the local family who want a Christian tutor for their children but show no inclination to have a closer relationship with the tutor. Pray that God will stir their hearts to want the very best in their life.
How would we react in the West if it were forbidden to meet together to worship? Would we have the courage to do it? People count the cost here. They must put aside fear. It is a sweet thing to hear the sounds of worship.
As one who heard them said, "Tears (of joy) came to my eyes". Ask that more will be willing to meet together and that they would be kept safe, until they are ready to face persecution.
mbb = a muslim who has become a follower of Christ