The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

September 16, 2009

The Youth.


Praise that many of the workers have now returned and are refreshed and ready for another season! Pray for vision to be seen through, for unity amongst workers, for clarity of direction, for God-ordained friendships with colleagues and local people. Pray that God would lead us to those who are seeking, and to whom He has already spoken.


Pray for the new leader as he steps into the Perspectives leadership role in our land. Also for the Program Development Group that he will be recruiting to serve with him.

While focus remains on the battles in the North, there has also been unrest in the South. Ask that the people will be able to work through their problems, that those in authority will listen and be wise in their response and that people will not resort to violence.

Pray for those who are seeking to be an active witness at work - pray for God to lead them to specific people, for situations to come about that will allow the Kingdom of God to be demonstrated, for God's grace and help in all things, and for the ability to balance work/ministry and family.

Pray for many of the local believers who struggled while many of the tentmakers were out of town during the summer. Pray that even now as their friends return, they will see that their strength and vitality comes from the Lord. Pray that they would seek God more on their own and He would meet them.

Please pray for several workers here who are struggling with cancer and other hard personal news. Some families have had to return to their home countries or postpone their return from summer break because of illness. Ask for total healing. Ask that the name of the Lord will be glorified even in these illnesses.


I guess both of them were 18 years old. Sitting in Starbucks with their laptops in front of them, chatting among themselves while browsing the internet. One of the guys told me that he spends 12 hrs daily on his computer, buying a new modem each 6 months to ensure he has the fastest available on the market. He mentioned that he is mainly on Facebook and seemed to be proud that he has friends in the West with whom he chats regularly.

Pray for the youth in our country like these. They are so focused on relationships, wanting to be accepted and appreciated. Pray that God will show Himself as a friend to them.